

the uneven split

It sounded rather unbelievable isnt? I cannot believe why I even attempted this. A fusion between Asian and French sound super enticing as I lied on my bed thinking of my next bake. Yes, I dreamt abt it. Just like how I used to dream about currency. Two top loves of my life. My mind cannot accomodate much more.

Anyhow, I wonder if its possible to make macarons with glutinous rice. I thought about it. Its tough because nuts and rice are two very different animals. One is high in fats while the other one is hardly  fatty at all. Nevetheless, I  thrived on satisfying the curiousity.

I attempted 3 times using black glutinous rice. First 2 trays are ruined because of the temperature. One cracked almost as soon as I placed the tray into the oven but showed even feets after it completed the bake. The other cracked and showed uneven feet by splitting one side up 10 minutes into it.

The lighter one is the first tray attempt while the darker one has not have the chance to bake through since I took it out after seeing the uneven split.



No Name Ninja