



生クリームは英語で「fresh cream」とか「heavy cream」といいます.


水泡是因熱力傷及真皮層,滲液積聚而引起,篤穿水泡等於將皮膚表層破壞而造成缺口,有機會引起細菌感染,故一般原則是保護水泡. 因此,如傷口出現大水泡,應考慮求診,醫護人員會按臨床情況決定是否以無菌技術刺穿水泡,再安排洗傷口跟進.Mioggi 面膜

What food to avoid after pico laser?

Avoid spicy and acidic foods for the first 48 hours. The treated area may be extremely warm for 12-24 hours after the treatment. Cold compresses or ice packs may provide comfort during this time.

Can coconut oil lighten pubic area?

Wait...can coconut oil lighten the pubic area? It can! Though usually used in conjunction with lemon juice, coconut oil can lighten skin when mixed or independently. For the best results, we recommend mixing with lemon juice.


使用溫和潔面產品 清潔脖子肌膚時,使用水溶性,溫和的潔面產品. ...
2. 使用水楊酸保養品 在臉部的水楊酸保養品,同時也能使用在脖子上,來能改善痘痘問題. ...
3. 運動後要立即沐浴 平日運動後,應立即淋浴並使用溫和的身體清潔劑. ...
4. 別忘了防曬!

Is honey and coffee good for face?

Both honey and coffee work wonders for your skin. The texture of the coffee grounds help to exfoliate, while the caffeine helps to reduce puffiness. Honey is prized for its antibacterial and moisturizing properties; use it regularly for beautiful skin!

Is lotion the same as moisturiser?

Both lotion and cream should be thought of as subtypes of moisturiser. Lotion: Lotions are a type of moisturiser that sits on the lighter side in terms of weight and texture, which helps them be absorbed quickly and easily by the skin.Mioggi 生命水

Can I use lotion instead of sunscreen?

If you're going to be out in the sun

If your day consists of very little time outdoors - say, you have a limited commute or you're working from home - a moisturizer containing SPF 30 might be all you need to effectively protect your skin.

Will depression get better on its own?

Frequency, longevity, and severity of depressive symptoms vary, but in the majority of cases, clinical depression won't go away on its own. Mental health treatment can influence how long it lasts and how able the person can cope with its impact. Find a supportive therapist that can help with depression.

At what stage of colon cancer is chemotherapy used?

In stage I colon cancer, surgery to remove the tumor is the only treatment needed. Stage III tumors, which are tumors that have spread to the lymph nodes, are treated with surgery followed by chemotherapy (called adjuvant chemotherapy; it is given after surgery to reduce the risk of a recurrence of the cancer).




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